I was much more enamored with a couple of cartoon generators I came across. Toonlet is fun. It lets you create your own comic characters using preexisting templates. I like the variety of choices, from head shape, torso, hair, eyebrows etc. There is a lot of variety. That does not mean that the jokes are good as you can see by my attempt at humor.
I also liked Stripgenerator because it was fairly simple and straightforward. As opposed to the International Reading Association's attempt which is just clunky. I could imagine using Stripgenerator with a class because there are limited options. They won't spend all day trying out different noses with different hairstyles like I did on toonlet. But I think it would jazz up a dry lesson such as writing with different sentence structures. "Create a 3 to 5 panel comic strip with two characters where one speaks only in simple sentences and the other uses at least one subordinate clause in each sentence."
Would love to introduce ToonDoo, to you. A free, online, easy-to-use drag-drop comic strip creator, much in the lines of the tools you have mentioned at this blogpost, but with a lot more thoughtful features added over the past one year.
Do take a look, and tell us what you think!
Thanks a lot.
ToonDude from www.jambav.com
I liked seeing the jokes and the different cartoon options. Thanks.
Cute comics - although I actually had an incident like the 2nd one that left me shaking!
Interesting that you got a comment from a company - perhaps a reason to make comments moderated.
I, too, was going to comment about moderating comments so as to screen out advertisers. That is, after I stopped laughing at your comics! And your potential assignment with simple sentences and subjunctive clauses! What do the English teachers at your site think of such possibilities?
Thanks for writing this.
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