Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 1: Thing #2: Lifelong Learning

My thoughts on life-long learning: How can someone work in a library and not be an active learner? Considering the random queries that come to the desk on a daily basis, not to mention all the other information needs that we are constantly seeking out and identifying, of course I am a life-long learner.

I guess if I had to choose one of the 7 1/2 steps as the hardest, it would be goal-setting. This is simply because all the other steps seem so obvious and intuitive to me. Setting goals in my learning would be more of a conscious step. The other steps like seeing problems as challenges , having confidence in myself as a learner, using technology, teaching and playing all seem a bit like breathing to me; I do them without even noticing.

1 comment:

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Welcome to School Library Learning 2.0 - it is never too late to start having some summer 2.0 fun. Right on! about your statement about how can someone work in a library and not be an active learner.

- JackieS
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager