Sunday, February 3, 2008

Week 5, Thing #10: More Image Generating

Image chef was fun and simple. A computer class at my school has students designing T-shirts on-line at It works in a similar way. The kids have a lot of fun with it and get quite good at navigating around in an on-line design environment.

I was much more enamored with a couple of cartoon generators I came across. Toonlet is fun. It lets you create your own comic characters using preexisting templates. I like the variety of choices, from head shape, torso, hair, eyebrows etc. There is a lot of variety. That does not mean that the jokes are good as you can see by my attempt at humor.

I also liked Stripgenerator because it was fairly simple and straightforward. As opposed to the International Reading Association's attempt which is just clunky. I could imagine using Stripgenerator with a class because there are limited options. They won't spend all day trying out different noses with different hairstyles like I did on toonlet. But I think it would jazz up a dry lesson such as writing with different sentence structures. "Create a 3 to 5 panel comic strip with two characters where one speaks only in simple sentences and the other uses at least one subordinate clause in each sentence."